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- Nature Always Bats Last
Nature Always Bats Last
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it?
You can’t run from yourself. This isn’t just a platitude whispered to justify failures or offer hollow solace; it’s a biological mandate. The older you get, the more this truth asserts itself. Your life isn’t a wide open game, waiting for you to carve your own path. It’s a pre drawn map, worn thin from centuries of use, with paths etched in long before you ever took your first breath.
People think genetics are superficial. They see it in the shape of their nose, the colour of their hair, the way their skintone catches the light. But that’s just the surface. Genetics are deeper, more pervasive, more insidious. They dictate not only the body you inhabit but also the mind that animates it. Your disposition, your emotions, your worldview, even your social class are all gifts, or perhaps curses, handed down through your bloodline. Your personality isn’t something you create; it’s something you inherit.
We love to tell ourselves we’re different, unique, free. But spend enough time looking at your life and the patterns emerge. “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” they say, and no matter how you squirm, you’ll find yourself repeating the same mistakes your parents did, playing out the same dramas they once wrestled with. You’ll find yourself caught in the same struggles they faced, mirroring their weaknesses and amplifying their faults.
Blood is king. It’s the unspoken ruler of your life, dictating your every triumph and every tragedy. Every strength you possess comes from it, and so does every weakness. You didn’t choose this inheritance. You can’t reject it. You can only live it out, the good and the bad, the light and the shadow, as dictated by the long chain of ancestors whose survival secured your place here.
Your preferences, your instincts, your desires are not as free as you think they are. They’re the product of ancient programs running quietly in the background. Why do you gravitate toward certain people, places, or ideas? Why do some things feel instinctively right while others repel you? There’s a code in your blood that dictates these responses, and you follow it whether you’re aware of it or not.
So is it nature or nurture? I don’t even think nurture is a thing, honestly. Raise someone right, we tell ourselves, and they’ll rise above their origins. But can they? If your bloodline has survived for thousands of years, adapting and enduring across generations, how arrogant is it to think you can reshape that inheritance in one? How much of the human condition is truly malleable? We celebrate the idea of reinvention, but our ability to change is always constrained by forces older and stronger than we care to admit.
The child you create with someone else isn’t a blank slate. They’re a mosaic, a combination of you and the person you’ve chosen. Half their blood is yours; the other half belongs to your partner. Think about it. When you choose a partner, you’re not just choosing a lover. You’re choosing a bloodline. You’re choosing a legacy. That legacy will live on in your children, who will inherit the best and worst of both of you. And that’s the terrifying truth we rarely acknowledge. Love is blind, yes, but nature is ruthless.
This dominion of blood extends far beyond humans. All living creatures are tethered to the instincts and behaviors encoded in their lineage. A border collie, bred for generations to herd, will instinctively corral anything that moves, often without ever being trained. Beavers, scarcely old enough to fend for themselves, will begin assembling dams as though guided by an invisible blueprint. Birds migrate across vast continents without maps or mentors, driven by ancient commands written into their very being. These behaviors aren’t learned; they are inherited, etched into the firmware of their species. Nature imprints her will on every creature, ensuring the survival strategies of their ancestors are carried forward, unchanged, and relentless. Blood governs all life, binding every species to the legacy of its past.
This isn’t to say you have no agency, but your freedom is limited. You’re working within the boundaries set by the codes that brought your bloodline this far. Your impulses, your instincts, even your flaws are not just your own. They’re echoes of decisions made by countless ancestors who lived and died so that you could exist.
So what do you do with this knowledge? Does it free you or imprison you? Perhaps it’s neither. You can try to outrun your genetics, to reinvent yourself, to rise above your origins. But you’ll always circle back to the beginning. Blood is king, and you’re bound to its throne.
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