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- Be Careful About What You Tell Yourself
Be Careful About What You Tell Yourself
On destroying limiting beliefs
The way you live is the way you think, no exceptions. Your entire existence, your clothes, your walk, your posture, the way you chew gum or cross the street, is an endless broadcast of your inner world. Everything about you is a message, whether you like it or not.
You might imagine you can hide parts of yourself. Keep a few insecurities locked up, pretend your fears don’t exist. But that’s the joke, isn’t it? The truth always leaks out. It’s there in the way your voice falters at the wrong moment, the way you hold your hands too still or not still enough, the way you avoid someone’s eyes or stare too hard trying to prove something. Your inner monologue is spilling all over the floor, and you think nobody notices.
Everything is holistic. Your thoughts bleed into your posture, your voice, your face. You can’t cordon off your doubts or insecurities. They creep into every corner of your existence. What you think about yourself becomes your reality, piece by piece, until one day you wake up and realize you’re living inside the limits of your own imagination.
People don’t talk about this because it’s uncomfortable. Because it suggests that you are exactly where you deserve to be. That your beliefs about yourself, about the world, are the architects of your reality. If you think you’re unworthy, you’ll live a life that confirms it. If you think you’re forgettable, you’ll walk and talk in ways that make you invisible. What you think is what you are, and there’s no escape from that equation.
The saddest thing is how many people lean into their own destruction. They’ll tell themselves they’re not good enough, not smart enough, not capable enough, chanting it as a mantra. These people are desperate to be proven wrong, but the world isn’t in the business of handouts. It will take your beliefs at face value and hand them right back to you.
Limiting beliefs are born from a vacuum of lived experience. They thrive in the absence of action, where the mind loops endlessly in its own echo chamber, spinning fears and assumptions into truths. These beliefs don’t come from reality, they come from avoiding it.
Instead of exploring curiosity, pushing limits, or risking failure, people sit in the safety of their own heads, imagining every possible outcome except the one where they try. It’s easier that way. Easier to ruminate than to risk, easier to invent a failure in your mind than to face the possibility of one in the world. These beliefs are self-generated prisons, formed not from evidence but from the lack of it. You can’t argue your way out of them because they’ve never been rooted in anything real to begin with.
The world will reflect your energy like a mirror. When you walk into a room believing you’re insignificant, people will believe it too. When you see yourself as the smartest person alive, the energy shifts. People might hate you for it, or they might admire you, but they won’t ignore you. And isn’t that better than being invisible?
There’s no downside to a massive ego. None. Think you’re untouchable. Think you’re exceptional. People will call it arrogance, but what’s arrogance except confidence that makes others uncomfortable? You owe it to yourself to believe you’re better than you are, because the alternative is believing you’re worse. And trust me, that shows. It shows in the way you hold yourself, the way you move, the way you let opportunities slip away because you’ve already decided you don’t deserve them.
Your limiting beliefs are not protection. They are a slow form of self-destruction. They are comfortable lies that prevent genuine engagement with life. Every moment spent in mental rehearsal of failure is a moment stolen from actual experience. Be suspicious of your thoughts. They are not reality. They are just thoughts. The only benefit of thinking is knowing what thoughts not to think
There is no substitute for lived experience. None. Theoretical knowledge is a pale imitation of actual engagement. Your beliefs mean nothing until they are tested, challenged, proven or disproven in the real, unpredictable landscape of actual living.
The solution isn’t optimism. It’s delusion, and it’s necessary.
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